
Have a problem with your by.U network? Try following these steps!

1. Turn OFF then ON your mobile data or Turn ON then OFF the Airplane Mode feature

2. Fill in your APN username and password settings with byu

3. Insert your SIM card to another device for comparison


Still not normal, is the network? Try to follow this method

1. Change the network setting to WCDMA / 3G Only

2. Change the Network Selection setting to "Manual", then select another operator first. Then select by.U / Telkomsel again

Masukkan Nomor HP

Kamu bisa daftar akun/login pake nomor HP yang kamu punya saat ini

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Pastiin nomor HP kamu benar dan masih aktif ya

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Kode OTP udah dikirim ke nomor kamu ya!

Belum terima kode OTP?