How is the process for sending a SIM Card by.U after ordering?

There are a few things you have to know when ordering a SIM Card by.U:

  1. The SIM card delivery process will be carried out 1x24 hours after payment is made.
  2. Deliveries are made every monday - saturday. There are no deliveries on Sundays.
  3. If you order on Saturday after 10 am or Sunday, your order will be processed on Monday
  4. If you order a SIM card on a holiday/public holiday, your order will be processed H+1 on a holiday/public holiday.
  5. If there is already an "On Progress" status on the Trace SIM Card page, that means your order is waiting to be processed to be sent by our courier.
  6. The duration of the new delivery is counted after H + 1 since payment.


Delivery time depends on the delivery address to which. However, if you have filled in the delivery address, an estimated delivery time will appear. So, if you feel there is a problem with your delivery, don't be shy to contact Nindy on Live Chat!

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