How to activate by.U SIM card on the website?

Easy! You can follow the method below to activate the SIM card via the website:


  1. Open the link and login with the registered account
  2. Check your number then click the "Activate SIM" button to continue
  3. Enter the serial number written on your SIM Card
  4. Enter the NIK and NOKK numbers
  5. Then click the "Register" button
  6. If you have your data will be validated


Once done, you can download the by.U application or you can access for daily use and refill

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Masukkan Nomor HP

Kamu bisa daftar akun/login pake nomor HP yang kamu punya saat ini

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Pastiin nomor HP kamu benar dan masih aktif ya

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Kode OTP udah dikirim ke nomor kamu ya!

Belum terima kode OTP?