How can I access byUskop?

Go follow the steps below:

  1. Open by.U apps then select U-Tainment
  2. Scroll down and click the byUskop menu
  3. Click the Play button


Youu will be directed to the TrueID page to watch movies. There will only 1 film titles that can be streamed on the by.U apps everyday. You can also see the schedule of any films that will be shown for the next day. Enjoy!

Kasih tau by.U alasannya? (boleh lebih dari satu)


Masukkan Nomor HP

Kamu bisa daftar akun/login pake nomor HP yang kamu punya saat ini

Input-number Icon

Pastiin nomor HP kamu benar dan masih aktif ya

Input-number Icon


Kode OTP udah dikirim ke nomor kamu ya!

Belum terima kode OTP?