How to use Create Number feature?

Lets follow below tutorial:

  1. Go to "Choose The Number" page
  2. Click "Create Number" button
  3. Input your favorite 4 digit number
  4. Click "Find Phone Number"
  5. You will get 5 numbers that contain 4 digits of your favorite number After the number options appear, you have 1 minute to select 1 phone number and 5 attempts to input your favorite 4-digits number combination.
  6. If you have used all the attempts, you can try again to after 1x24 hours :)

Kasih tau by.U alasannya? (boleh lebih dari satu)


Masukkan Nomor HP

Kamu bisa daftar akun/login pake nomor HP yang kamu punya saat ini

Input-number Icon

Pastiin nomor HP kamu benar dan masih aktif ya

Input-number Icon


Kode OTP udah dikirim ke nomor kamu ya!

Belum terima kode OTP?