How to level up byUnefit level? Can my benefit level go down for some reason?

You can level up your byUnefit Level by continuing to make transactions at by.U, namely making credit/quota top-up transactions!

The uCoins you get will be accumulated to reach the minimum uCoin limit to go to the next level.


Your level can go down if you can't collect the minimum uCoin required to stay at the initial level starting from the period.



On 1 January - 31 June 2023 you managed to collect 120 uCoin. On July 1, 2023 when uCoin is reset to 0 you start a period at the “Temen Tapi Demen” level. But if on 1 July - 31 December 2023 you can only collect 90 uCoin (less than the minimum 201 uCoin needed to stay at the "Temen Tapi Demen" level) then on January 1 2024 you will level down to "Temen Aja".

Kasih tau by.U alasannya? (boleh lebih dari satu)


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