How to make a payment with VA BCA?


  1. Insert BCA ATM card & PIN
  2. Choose another transaction
  3. Select transfer
  4. Choose a BCA Virtual Account
  5. Enter the BCA Virtual Account number
  6. Enter the amount you want to pay
  7. Validate your payment
  8. Payment completed

BCA Mobile (m-BCA)

  1. Log in to the BCA Mobile application
  2. Choose m-BCA
  3. Enter the m-BCA access code
  4. Select m-Transfer
  5. Choose BCA Virtual Account
  6. Enter the BCA Virtual Account number
  7. Enter m-BCA PIN
  8. Payment completed

KlikBCA Individual

  1. Log In to the KlikBCA Individual application
  2. Enter User ID and PIN
  3. Select fund transfer
  4. Choose transfer to BCA Virtual Account
  5. Enter the BCA Virtual Account number
  6. Enter the amount you want to pay
  7. Payment validation
  8. Payment completed

KlikBCA Business

  1. Log in to the KlikBCA Bisnis application
  2. Select Fund Transfer > Transfer List > Add
  3. Enter the BCA Virtual Account number then send
  4. Select fund transfer to Virtual Account
  5. Select the source of funds account and the BCA Virtual Account Destination account
  6. Enter the amount you want to pay
  7. Payment validation
  8. Select fund transfer > Authorize transaction
  9.  Select the transaction you want to authorize
  10. Payment completed

M-BCA (Simcard Menu)

  1. Choose m-Banking
  2. Choose m-BCA
  3. Choose m-payment
  4. Choose more
  5. Type TVA
  6. Enter the BCA Virtual Account number, then enter your PIN
  7. Validate the payment and enter the payment amount
  8. Payment completed

In addition, for payments through VA BCA, there is a minimum transaction of 10,000 :)

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