Why is my network not stable at the moment?

Let's try to follow these advices to get by.U signal again:

  • Bring your phone out of the confined room and try to get a signal in an open space
  • Try to switch ON and switch OFF Airplane Mode on your phone alternately
  • Restart your gadget
  • Still no by.U Signal? Contact Nindy via live chat directly


Please include below information to ease us track your complaint:

  • Explain your problem with detailed location and time of the incident
  • Inform the gadget / device that you used
  • When did your problem starting to occur
  • Inform the type of network that appears on your gadget (2G/EDGE/3G/HSDPA/4G/LTE)
  • Screen capture your gadget's signal bar and Speed test results if any
  • Inform another number of yours that Nindy could contact

If you've send all the data, we'll process the complaint and will get back to you soon to follow up your problem :)

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