What's the difference between uStamp Beta & uStamp Redemption?

You can get the uStamp at by.U Space Beta through Special Badges and you can't exchange it for prizes. Meanwhile, you can get uStamp Redeemption by playing the U-Tainment feature on the by.U application and you can exchange it for cool prizes from by.U.

Oh ya! uStamp in by.U Space Beta, can't be used to exchange prizes at uStamp Redemption :)

There are 2 conditions for exchanging prizes, namely:

  1. Your uStamp nominal must reach the nominal value of the prize you want.
  2. You must have at least 100 uCoin when you want to redeem your uStamp prize. Don't worry, your uCoin will not be deducted when exchanging gifts at uStamp, only your uStamp will be deducted.


If uCoin hasn't reached 100, you don't need to worry, your uCoin can increase every time you buy credit or quota :)

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