What is the maximum daily limit for collecting uStamp?

Yes, every day you can only collect a maximum of 1000 uStamp which is divided through:

  • Maximum 450 uStamp per day from Discover Feature with the following tasks:
  1. Rate the comics you read, 20 uStamp
  2. Read the article to the end, 10 uStamp
  3. Read comic episodes, 10 uStamp
  4. Giving likes to comics, 10 uStamp
  • Maximum 300 uStamp per day from Mini Games Feature with the following tasks:
  1. Complete the level of one of the games, 20 uStamp
  2. Play games, 10 uStamp
  • Maximum 200 uStamp per day from the Podcast/MIXtape Feature with the following tasks:
  1. Listen to MIXtape side A, 10 uStamp
  2. Listen to MIXtape side B, 10 uStamp
  3. Listen to Top 10 uStamp Podcasts
  4. Listen to Podcast Selection content, 10 uStamp
  • Maximum 50 uStamp per day from the by.U Space Feature with the following tasks:
  1. Read Trending Threads, 10 uStamp
  2. Read Popular Threads, 10 uStamp

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