What is uStamp?

uStamp is a benefit that you can get every time you play a feature on U-Tainment. Later, you can exchange cool prizes and merchandise from by.U. The uStamp you collect can be active for 6 months. So, after 6 months the uStamp that Once you have collected you will be automatically forfeited.

You can get uStamp from the features listed in the uStamp missions, there are 4 main features, namely:

  1. Read Discover
  2. Play Mini Games
  3. Listen to MIXtapes/Podcasts
  4. Open by.U Space Beta


From the uStamp that you have collected, you can exchange it for cool prizes from by.U, such as Denny Sumargo's Autographed Basketball, K-Pop Albums, Football Jerseys, Gaming Gear, Exclusive Merchandise, Popular Make-Up Products and many more. other cool prizes.

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